
Happy Birthday to My Husband

Today is Adam's birthday, so I'm dedicating this blog to him to wish him the happiest of birthdays! 

Happy birthday! I'm thankful for everything you've done for me. I hope this day will bring you happiness and joy as much as you have brought me. I love you dearly. #lifebuddies 

Charleston, South Carolina

Last year I went to South Carolina, and I built a deck. 


My construction skills are merely at amateur level, so luckily I wasn't assigned to complex and elaborate tasks. The last time I did construction job was volunteering for Habitat for Humanity a few years back. I must say, it is a lot of fun! Not only is it a work out, but creating something with your hands is very satisfying. 


I was in South Carolina to celebrate Ashley's (Adam's sister) birthday. We were wrecking our brains to think of what to get Ashley for her birthday before we flew out, but we couldn't come up with anything. Ashley texted us a few days before we flew out and told us that we'd be helping her build a new deck for her house. So I said to Adam, 'well that's the best birthday gift we could ever get her.' 



Built with love,

Adam + Monika